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8 JavaScript Best Practices for Writing Clean and Efficient Code

December 27, 2022

javascript programming

JavaScript is one of the most widely-used programming languages in the world, known for its versatility and ease of use. However, like any programming language, it's also prone to errors and can be difficult to read if not structured properly. That's why it's important to adhere to best practices when writing JavaScript code.

In this post, we’ll explore 8 of the most important practices that programmers should follow when writing JavaScript code for maximum readability and performance.

1. Use strict mode

Strict mode is a special mode of operation that can be enabled in JavaScript, which enforces stricter parsing and error handling. It helps to eliminate some silent errors that may occur while running the code, making it easier to debug and maintain.


'use strict';

// your javascript code goes here

2. Avoid global variables

Global variables are variables that are accessible throughout an entire program, which can lead to unwanted interactions between different parts of the code. To avoid this, it's best to declare variables with a specific scope, rather than relying on global variables.


function calculateTax(amount) {
  const taxRate = 0.1;
  const taxAmount = amount * taxRate;
  return amount + taxAmount;

3. Use descriptive naming conventions

It's always best to use descriptive and meaningful names for variables, functions, and classes. This makes it easier for other developers to understand the code and can save time and effort in the long run.


// Bad Example
function y(u, t) {
  return u * t;

// Good Example
function calculateDistance(speed, time) {
  return speed * time;

4. Avoid writing excessively long functions

Functions should ideally be short and focused on a specific task. This makes it easier to understand and modify the code, as well as to identify errors and debug. If a function is too long, consider breaking it down into smaller functions or modules.


// Bad Example
function calculateTotalPrice(price, quantity, tax) {
  let totalPrice = (price * quantity) + (price * quantity * (tax / 100));
  return totalPrice;

// Good Example
function calculatePrice(price, quantity) {
  return price * quantity;

function calculateTaxPrice(price, quantity, tax) {
  return (price * quantity * (tax / 100));

function calculateTotalPrice(price, quantity, tax) {
  let totalPrice = calculatePrice(price, quantity) + calculateTaxPrice(price, quantity, tax);
  return totalPrice;

5. Use comments and documentation

Comments and documentation are an important part of any coding project. They help to explain the code and provide context for other developers working on the project.


 * Calculates the total price of a product including tax
 * @param {number} price - The price of the product
 * @param {number} quantity - The quantity of the product
 * @param {number} tax - The tax rate in percentage
 * @returns {number} - The total price including tax
function calculateTotalPrice(price, quantity, tax) {
  let totalPrice = (price * quantity) + (price * quantity * (tax / 100));
  return totalPrice;

6. Use === and !== instead of == and !=

In JavaScript, the == and != operators do not perform strict equality checks. Instead, they perform type coercion and can lead to unexpected results. It's always best to use the === and !== operators, which perform strict equality checks.


// Bad Example
if (age == 18) {
  // do something

// Good Example
if (age === 18) {
  // do something

7. Avoid using eval()

The eval() function is a powerful and potentially dangerous feature in JavaScript, which can execute arbitrary code. It's best to avoid using it whenever possible and instead use other safer alternatives.


// Bad Example
let result = eval('1 + 2');

// Good Example
let result = 1 + 2;

8. Use a linter or formatter

Linters and formatters are tools that can help to detect and fix errors, inconsistencies, and formatting issues in the code. Using a linter or formatter can save time, improve code quality, and enhance collaboration.


// Linting using ESLint
npm install eslint --save-dev

// Formatting using Prettier
npm install prettier --save-dev

Adhering to these best practices can help programmers to write clean and efficient JavaScript code, improve performance and maintainability, and reduce the risk of errors. By following these tips, programmers can make their code more readable, secure, and easier to maintain, while taking advantage of the full potential of the language.

This article was written by Gen-AI GPT-3. Articles published after 2023 are written by GPT-4, GPT-4o or GPT-o1

1782 words authored by Gen-AI! So please do not take it seriously, it's just for fun!
