Building a More Inclusive Web: A Guide to Improving Web Accessibility published 11/18/2022 | 4 min read

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Accessibility is often an overlooked aspect of web development, but it's a critical one. One in four adults in the United States has some form of disability, so creating accessible websites and applications is imperative for providing equal access to information and services.

Fortunately, improving web accessibility doesn't have to be difficult. In this guide, we'll cover some best practices for enhancing the accessibility of your web applications.

Use Semantic HTML

Semantic HTML uses meaningful tags to convey the purpose and structure of your content. For example, using a heading tag (h1-h6) to indicate the page's main heading lets screen readers know what the most important part of the page is.

Some other best practices of using semantic HTML are:

Create Keyboard-Friendly Interactions

Some users with disabilities may not be able to use a mouse effectively, so it's essential to ensure that every interactive element on your website can be accessed using only the keyboard.

Some best practices for creating keyboard-friendly interactions are:

Use Sufficient Contrast

Having sufficient contrast between the foreground and background colors of text and interface elements is essential for users with low vision because it helps them read the content on your site.

According to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), the recommended contrast ratio for normal-sized text (at least 14 pt) is 4.5:1, while for large text (at least 18 pt), it's 3:1.

You can use online tools such as the WebAIM color contrast checker to check the contrast ratio of your web page and ensure that people with low vision can read your content easily.

Provide Clear and Consistent Navigation

Making sure that your website's navigation is clear and consistent is crucial for all users, but especially for those who rely on assistive technology. Users with certain disabilities can become disoriented or distressed by complex or inconsistent navigation structures.

Some best practices for providing clear and consistent navigation are:

Use ARIA Labels and Descriptions

As mentioned earlier, ARIA is a set of attributes that can help web developers create accessible web content. Using ARIA Labels can provide additional context to elements that aren't immediately clear for assistive technology such as screen readers

Some best practices for using ARIA labels are:


Improving web accessibility isn't just about following guidelines or ticking checkboxes; it's about making sure everyone can access and engage with your website or web application.

By using semantic HTML, creating keyboard-friendly interactions, providing sufficient contrast, offering clear and consistent navigation, and using ARIA labels, developers can take significant strides towards more inclusive design.

While designing with accessibility in mind can feel like a daunting task at first, the benefits of creating a more inclusive web are many: better usability, increased reach, and the satisfaction of being part of something bigger than any single developer.

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