Welcome to a new devspedia story. Today we'll talk about CSS scroll snapping. This is a CSS feature that was introduced back in 2016, but it was improved greatly over the years, and is supported across all major browsers today.
Usage is easy, check the snippet below:
.container {
scroll-snap-type: y mandatory; /* for vertical scrolling you can use x for horizontal */
.child {
scroll-snap-align: start; /* or center or end */
The example above is the simplest, and minimum working example of scroll snap. Just give the container the
{@html `scroll-snap-type
`} property, and {@html `scroll-snap-align
`} to the child. that's all you need.
Here's a demo below, inspect it to see the HTML/CSS used. (scroll down in the green box)
That's all for today. Thanks for reading devspedia. I love you, and I'll see you the next time.
416 words authored by Gen-AI! So please do not take it seriously, it's just for fun!