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10 Proven Strategies for React Performance Optimization

November 18, 2022

react optimization

As a developer, there's little more satisfying than designing a web application that looks the part, feels good to use, and runs lightning-fast on both high-end hardware and lower-end smartphones. All too often, however, this ideal can be tripped up by one key bottleneck: poor performance optimization.

Poorly-optimized code is bad for business; users quickly get frustrated if web pages are slow to load and slow to respond, and are more likely to abandon ship and head to a competitor with a faster, more polished experience. In this guide, we've assembled 10 proven strategies for optimizing React performance, from code splitting to lazy loading, and everything in between.

  1. Code Splitting: Break Up Large Apps

One of the best ways to speed up your React web app is to break it up into smaller chunks. The process of code splitting divides your code into smaller, more manageable pieces that can be loaded more quickly on demand. This in turn helps reduce the page load speed and decrease network overhead.

  1. Lazy Loading: Only Load What You Need

Another great trick for improving web app performance is lazy loading. This strategy defers the loading of specific components, modules, or parts of your app until they're needed. This can help save resources and reduce time to interactive (TTI).

  1. Memoization: Caching Repeated Computations

Memoization is the practice of storing the results of expensive computations so they can be returned faster during subsequent calls. This can greatly improve performance on costly computations in React, such as complex selectors, and it works especially well when combined with caching techniques.

  1. Optimize Your Components: Reducing Re-renders

React re-renders your components whenever there is a state or props change. This means that optimizing the performance of your components can greatly impact your application's speed. You can reduce component re-renders by using stateless components or pure components that only re-render when given specific props.

  1. Bind Your Methods: Improving Function Performances

Methods passed as props to child components are often called unbound, which can negatively impact React performance. Binding these methods in the constructor will improve function performance and reduce wasted network resources.

  1. Avoid Inline Functions: Limit Unnecessary Renderings

While inline functions can be a functional coding choice, they can greatly reduce performance in React. Every time an inline function is called, your component will re-render. Instead, use bound functions or memoization to avoid unnecessary renderings.

  1. Use React.PureComponent: Avoid Wasting CPU Cycles

For bigger React components or components with nested children, extending React.PureComponent could greatly enhance performance by optimizing re-renders and avoiding needless CPU cycles.

  1. Profiling: Finding Performance Bottlenecks

React provides an easy-to-use profiler to help you identify performance bottlenecks in your components. This tool visually displays the performance of your components and can help you improve performance with pinpoint accuracy.

  1. Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Faster Load Times and SEO Benefits

Server-side rendering gives you faster load times than client-side rendering and can improve your application's SEO. With SSR, React will be rendered at the server level, rather than the client level. Implementing SSR requires configuring your server-side environment and making small changes to your React app.

  1. Use a CDN: Improve Asset Loading Speeds

A content delivery network (CDN) is a group of servers located around the world that helps deliver your website's assets more quickly to your users. CDNs work by caching your website's files and assets and reducing the distance between the server and user to decrease rendering time.

In Conclusion

The tips and strategies that we have outlined above will help you dramatically improve React performance in your web applications. From simple code factoring to complex server-side rendering, it's important to remember that optimizing your application is an ongoing process, and will likely involve a combination of the above strategies.

Finally, always remember to test and benchmark your application in different scenarios, to ensure that each performance optimization step you take is having the desired effect. By consistently implementing React performance optimization best practices, your web application will load faster and perform better, delighting users and improving your bottom line.